Hallo zusammen,
ich habe ein Problem mit einem Skript, das den User nach Geburtszeitpunkt und -ort fragt, und auf Basis dessen den Aszendenten berechnet.
Ich benutze VBA in Excel 365 für Mac.
Das Skript läuft sauber durch, aber der Aszendent wird am Ende nicht ausgegeben.
Besten Dank im voraus und beste Grüße,
Option Explicit
Sub CalculateAscendant()
Dim birthDate As Date
Dim birthTime As Date
Dim birthPlace As String
Dim birthLat As Double
Dim birthLong As Double
Dim asc As Double
' Prompt user for birth date and time
birthDate = InputBox("Enter your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY):")
birthTime = InputBox("Enter your birth time (HH:MM AM/PM):")
' Prompt user for birth location
birthPlace = InputBox("Enter your birth place (City, State, Country):")
' Use AppleScript to get latitude and longitude for birth location
birthLat = GetLatitude(birthPlace)
birthLong = GetLongitude(birthPlace)
' Calculate Ascendant using Placidus house system
asc = CalculatePlacidusAscendant(birthDate, birthTime, birthLat, birthLong)
MsgBox "Your Ascendant is " & FormatDegree(asc)
End Sub
Function GetLatitude(place As String) As Double
Dim latScript As String
Dim latResult As Variant
Dim lat As Double
' Build AppleScript to get latitude for birth location
latScript = "set placeName to """ & place & """ as text" & vbNewLine
latScript = latScript & "tell application ""Maps""" & vbNewLine
latScript = latScript & "set thePlace to first item of (search the current map for placeName)" & vbNewLine
latScript = latScript & "set theLat to latitude of thePlace" & vbNewLine
latScript = latScript & "end tell" & vbNewLine
latScript = latScript & "return theLat"
' Run AppleScript to get latitude for birth location
latResult = Evaluate("APPLESCRIPT(" & Chr(34) & latScript & Chr(34) & ")")
lat = CDbl(latResult)
GetLatitude = lat
End Function
Function GetLongitude(place As String) As Double
Dim longScript As String
Dim longResult As Variant
Dim lang As Double
longScript = "set myAddress to """ & place & """" & vbNewLine & _
"tell application ""Maps""" & vbNewLine & _
" set myLocation to get location of first item of (get every result whose name contains myAddress)" & vbNewLine & _
" return longitude of myLocation" & vbNewLine & _
"end tell"
longResult = Run("osascript -e " & Chr(34) & longScript & Chr(34))
If IsNumeric(longResult) Then
lang = CDbl(longResult)
lang = 0
End If
GetLongitude = lang
End Function
Function CalculatePlacidusAscendant(birthDate As Date, birthTime As Date, birthLat As Double, birthLong As Double) As Double
Dim birthDateTime As Double
Dim jd As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim obliq As Double
Dim lst As Double
Dim e As Double
Dim d As Double
Dim oblCor As Double
Dim ascmc(10) As Double
Dim armc As Double
Dim eps As Double
Dim sid As Double
Dim i As Integer
' Convert birth date and time to Julian Date
birthDateTime = CDbl(birthDate + TimeSerial(Hour(birthTime), minute(birthTime), second(birthTime)))
jd = JulianDate(birthDateTime)
' Calculate T (number of Julian centuries since J2000.0)
t = (jd - 2451545) / 36525
' Calculate obliquity of the ecliptic
obliq = Obliquity(t)
' Calculate local sidereal time
lst = LocalSiderealTime(birthLong, jd)
' Calculate ecliptic position of Ascendant
e = obliq + (0.00256 * Cos(Radians(125.04 - (1934.136 * t))))
d = -1 * (0.00017 * Sin(Radians(125.04 - (1934.136 * t))))
oblCor = obliq + e + d
ascmc(0) = 0
CalculatePlacidusAscendant = ascmc(1)
For i = 1 To 10
ascmc(i) = EclipticPosition(jd, (i - 1) * 30, birthLat, birthLong, lst, oblCor)
Next i
End Function
Function FormatDegree(angle As Double) As String
Dim degree As Integer
Dim minute As Integer
Dim second As Double
degree = Int(angle)
minute = Int((angle - degree) * 60)
second = ((angle - degree - minute / 60) * 3600)
FormatDegree = Format(degree, "00") & "°" & Format(minute, "00") & "'" & Format(second, "00.00") & """"
End Function